Saturday, January 12, 2008

Prayer Request

I received the following e-mail from Pastor Ken Dyer of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Knoxville:

Please be in prayer for the family of Margaret Solomon [of Knoxville]. Margaret passed away on Friday evening around 5:30 PM after a very long struggle with illnesses. The family would appreciate your prayers.

Margaret was a long time attendee of HCF until she became ill. Also, she was most instrumental in the beginning of Harvest Food Pantry and served as the coordinator for several years.

The final arrangements are being made and as soon as I know them, I will send out the details.

Ken Dyer
Harvest Christian Fellowship

Please join me in prayer for this family!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sad News

I am very sorry to report that I received word from Brother Boone today informing me that Mill, the young man I requested prayer for on Monday, passed away yesterday morning.

Over the years I have made several trips to Thailand and became acquainted with this family. Sam, Mill's brother, worked in the orphanage until he got married. I believe he is now pastoring one of our churches there. Just a couple years ago, another of his brothers died of drowning.

Please join me in prayer for the comfort of the Holy Spirit in this family.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Happy Anniversary

I failed to post that yesterday was Jay & Jennifer's wedding anniversary. We thank the Lord for them and pray His continued blessing in their marriage!


It is no secret

The other day the tune to an old song came to my mind and I began humming it. It seemed to stay with me all day. I remembered some of the words, but had to google for the rest of them. I discovered an interesting history to the song, It Is No Secret What God Can Do. Here are the lyrics.

The chimes of time ring out the news; another day is through.
Someone slipped and fell.
Was that someone you?
You may have longed for added strength, your courage to renew.
Do not be disheartened, for I bring hope to you.

IT IS NO SECRET what God can do.
What He's done for others, He'll do for you.
With arms wide open,
He'll pardon you.
IT IS NO SECRET what God can do.

There is no night, for in His light you'll never walk alone.
Always feel at home wherever you may roam.
There is no power can conquer you, while God is on your side.
Just take Him at his promise.
Don't run away and hide.

You can find the history of the song here.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Urgent Request from Thailand

This morning I received an urgent prayer request from my friend, Boonyong Bureenok in Thailand. I am posting a portion of his e-mail here so you can join me in prayer for this very special and urgent request. I believe the young man Boone mentions in his e-mail is only about 16 years old.


Happy new year to you all!

I have an urgent request! Mill, Sam's brother, one of my nephews callapsed while on his way to school. He is at the hospital, ICU now.

Sam called me again saying that doctor does not expect him to live long, only 24 hours.

Chip, we believe in the Lord of miracle, don't we? Please pray!

God bless you, my friend.
Korat, Thailand