Saturday, May 29, 2010

Revival--Now is the Time!

As we announced on Wednesday night, the revival is definitely scheduled for June 13-16 (Sunday night – Wednesday night) with Milton Martin as the Evangelist.  I am expecting this to be a powerful revival of deliverance, restoration, and healing.  Sometimes we become comfortable in our spiritual walk, and we begin to accept the things that come into our lives as “just a part of life.”  All the while, we become less and less excited about our relationship with Christ and more and more concerned with the things of this life. 

I believe that God wants to deliver, restore, and heal His people so that we can be what He has called us to be—individually and corporately.  I believe that if we pray and seek His face and make the necessary preparations (cf. 2 Chronicles 7:14) this revival will not be just a series of meetings, but will be a time of divine visitation! 

Please join me in prayer and make plans to attend (and invite others to attend with you).  Then, come expecting a miracle!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

