Friday, February 22, 2008

Prayer for Brother Varlack

I received the following e-mail from Glynis last night.

"Please be in prayer for my dad, Adrian Varlack, Sr. He's been sick for 3 weeks and is being advised to go to the emergency room with swelling in his legs that medicine isn't helping. He has not been this sick as long as I can remember. Please also remember my mom, Janice. Please please pray! Thank you! ~G~"

I spoke with her this morning and she said, she talked to Brother Varlack last night and he has fluid around his heart. "Just pray for his overall healing as he has several issues right now and pray for wisdom for him, mom and the doctors. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you. ~G~"

Brother Varlack is a powerful and anointed man of God! Please join me in prayer for his healing.

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