The Bible talks about old men dreaming dreams, and young men seeing visions (cf. Joel 2:28). I must be right on the cusp of being old and young, because I have dreamed dreams, and I feel I have had visions. I am convinced, beyond any shadow of doubt, that GREAT things lie ahead for those of us who will trust in the Lord—walking in faith and obedience to His Word.
Clearly, there will be those who will continue to question this vision and the direction in which this church is being led. I understand that this is very discouraging to those of us who are striving to achieve in actuality what we are working for with vision, but let me encourage you today!
There will always be people to challenge what we are doing, and where we are going! Noah had them, Moses had them, Elijah had them, Nehemiah had them, Paul had them, and even Jesus had them. These are people who want to lead, but have no idea where they are going. They are people who don’t want to do the work (ministry), but they want to control anyone who is doing it. They are people who are jealous of what God is doing in others. They are people who allow other spirits to control their actions and behavior, but they will not interfere with the work of the Lord when the Spirit of the Living God is doing the leading! They may try, but they will not succeed!
I am on a mission. I don't have all the answers, but I know who does! So, don't try to distract me with petty squabblings. I'm not going to take my eyes off Jesus just to please men!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Don't try to distract me!
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