Friday, October 14, 2011

An Awesome Church

New Beginnings Family Outreach Ministries is truly a diverse group of people. We have people from various “church backgrounds”: Baptist, Methodist, Church of God of Prophecy, Church of Christ, and many who don’t have a “church” background at all. How is it that people from such varied backgrounds can come together? The answer is quite simple! We don’t spend our time focusing on non-essential things. We come together simply to worship our Lord and seek to know Him better. HE is the reason we can come together in unity. If you don’t have a church home, we invite you to join us next week. Feel free to check out our website at for more information.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fellow Workers for Christ

(The following was taken from “Sanctuary: Devotions for Every Day of the Year” by Dr. David Jeremiah).

“I think I ought to send my dear friend Epaphroditus back to you. He is a follower and a worker and a soldier of the Lord, just as I am. You sent him to look after me” (Philippians 2:25 CEV).

Epaphroditus was a fellow worker in the body of Christ, which is another reason why Paul was so fond of him.  Paul was without question a worker, and he was attracted to others who gave their all to the advancement of the gospel.

In the spirit of love, I must ask you the same thing I ask myself and those whom I pastor in my church:  Are you a worker?  If you are a Christian, I know you are a brother or sister.  But I want to know if you’ve moved beyond that point and become a worker for Christ.  Unfortunately, many in the body of Christ today are looking for the church that offers them the most services.  Who do they think provides all those services if not workers just like themselves?  If they do find a church offering what they are seeking, then they conclude, “This church is large and has everything all together.  They don’t need me to do anything.”  That perspective reflects a definite lack of knowledge about the church of Jesus Christ and it’s needs.

Every church needs its members to be workers.