From time to time, we all experience difficult situations in life. How we deal with them is very important. It has been said, “difficult times can make you or break you.” Learning to trust and lean on the Lord is the key to successfully navigating any difficult situation you may encounter. God is faithful!
Tony Cathey and his family are scheduled to be with us on Sunday morning (December 19). The Cathey’s have experienced a great many difficult and challenging situations this past year; yet, through it all they have come to a greater realization of God’s faithfulness. Tony will be sharing some of his story with us and it is sure to be encouraging and uplifting.
Come join us at the TAD Center (261 Yvonne Ave., in Crossville). Coffee and donuts will be served at 9:30 a.m. and our worship service will begin at 10:00 a.m.