Wednesday, March 16, 2011


What if every Christian…

…Stopped thinking and speaking negative words about others and started speaking positive words of hope and promise?

…Stopped having unreasonably high expectations of others and started doing something themselves?

…Stopped living their lives based on fear and started living their lives based on faith in Jesus Christ?

…Stopped talking so much about God and started talking more to Him?

…Stopped focusing on religion and started focusing on their relationship with Christ?

The world is experiencing tremendous political unrest. Economies are declining. People are struggling. Families are crumbling. Millions of people are fearful, hurting and lonely. They are searching for peace….for something on which to hang their hope.

What would happen if every Christian were to truly model the New Testament lifestyle? How would the world (and our own families) be affected by such an attitude adjustment?

What if…we gave it a try?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fill My Way With Love

George W. Sebren

Let me walk, blessed Lord, in the way Thou hast gone,
Leading straight to the land above;
Giving cheer everywhere to the sad and the lone,
Fill my way every day with love.

Fill my way every day with love,
As I walk with the heav'nly Dove;
Let me go all the while with a song and a smile,
Fill my way every day with love.

Keep me close to the side of my Saviour and guide,
Let me never in darkness rove;
Keep my path free from wrath and my soul satisfied,
Fill my way every day with love.

Soon this race will be o'er and I'll travel no more,
But abide in my home above;
Let me sing, blessed King, all the way to that shore,
Fill my way every day with love.