I went to visit with Audrey Justus again today at Cookville Regional Medical Center. Her daughter, Carol, wanted me to be there with them when the doctor came in to talk to them.
Audrey has been in and out of the hospital and nursing home since December ’09 when she had a growth removed from inside her heart. The Lord has touched her several times when it seemed she might not make it. Currently she is on dopamine to keep her blood pressure up. The doctor tried to lower the dosage this morning, but her blood pressure dropped drastically and quickly. He told her and her daughter and son today that without the dopamine, her blood pressure will bottom out and she will die. This, of course, keeps her from being able to go home, which she desperately wants to do.
Audrey assured me, both yesterday and today, that she is ready to go. In fact, she told her children today not to worry. “Everything will be okay,” she said.
In the next couple days a decision will be made about discontinuing the dopamine. We still believe that our God is able to perform a miracle for Audrey…and she believes it, too. In the face of such a grave discussion, Audrey was smiling, laughing, and speaking with confidence about her future. Please join me in prayer for her miracle!