Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bread of Life Rescue Mission

New Beginnings had the privilege of serving a meal at Bread of Life Rescue Mission tonight! This was our first time to serve a hot meal, but certainly not the last we will be doing to support this tremendous ministry. In fact, we are scheduled to be back there on May 31. We also have a box at New Beginnings for receiving food donations for the Bread of Life food pantry.

I am pleased to announce, too, that Pastor Ralph Reagan, co-founder of Bread of Life Rescue Mission, will be with us this Sunday morning to share from the Word, and about BOL. Ralph has written a book, Fallen, Felon, and Finally Faith which has just been published. He will have some with him on Sunday and will be on hand to sign copies. The book is $10 and the net proceeds go to the mission building fund.

Please add Pastor Ralph and his wife Connie as well as the ministry of Bread of Life to your prayer list.