Yesterday was a long day, but a most enjoyable one. I set out yesterday morning to Tupelo, MS to pick up my good friend, Boone Bureenok. I was going to be driving by myself and it is almost a six hour drive each way, so I decided to find a good audio book to listen to on the way--I purchased "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby. This is a powerful book on the importance of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. It made the drive so much easier.
Well, I now have Boone here with me and he is doing well. He will be sharing some of the things going on in Thailand at New Beginnings on Sunday morning. It has been a joy to hear updates on some of my friends in Thailand...Akrapol, Prayong, Mai, and many others. God is so good!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Boone is Here!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Boonyong Bureenok
I am pleased to announce that Boonyong Bureenok will be with us at New Beginnings next Sunday (9/28). Brother Boone is a missionary in Thailand and operates an orphanage there. We are excited that he will be visiting with us!
Week-end update
On Saturday we had the annual Ball / Meadows Family Reunion at the Cumberland Mountain State Park. It was so good to see family I hadn’t seen since last year. In fact, there were some there whom I hadn’t seen in many years. We had a great time!
Saturday evening, New Beginnings prepared a meal for the Bread of Life Rescue Mission. I am so thankful for the dedication of our people to this ministry. Following the meal, we had a service with those living at the mission. Jerry and Sherry Brewer were also with us, and they led in the singing. It was a fun and uplifting time. There was such freedom as I began to preach. In fact, the Spirit of the Lord was very powerful. When I gave the altar call, several people responded and we prayed for a few people who were in need of healing, as well. It was an awesome service!
On Sunday morning, New Beginnings met at the Cumberland Mountain State Park (second day for me) for an End of Summer Church Picnic. Although we were to begin at 11 a.m., people kept streaming in up to about 1 p.m. In total we had approximately 78 people to attend this special event, many of whom have no church home.
Sunday afternoon at about 2 p.m., a few of us went back to Bread of Life where I baptized 5 people in water who had recently came to the Lord or re-dedicated their lives to God. This has been an awesome week-end! To God be the glory!