• January 27—Plateau Region Leadership Meeting (sponsored by the State office of the Church of God of Prophecy in Tennessee) at the Lawrence Chapel Church starting at 6:00 p.m.
• January 28—The Women’s Ministry bible study will begins in Roy & Faye’s home. The curriculum is “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place,” by Beth Moore.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Just a Reminder
Thoughts for today
Excitement is mounting as we prepare for a new phase of ministry in the life of New Beginnings. We were planning to meet at the building on 4th Street this evening for cleaning, etc; however, due to the fact that we couldn’t get the gas turned on by tonight, we will need to re-schedule. We will be meeting tonight on Mawila Ridge Road.
It is important to remember that it is God Who has called us together to join Him in this work, and His plan is continually unfolding. The heart of any ministry we engage in must always come from the heart of God! Our focus should not be on what we can do for people and how we can help and encourage them, but rather on how we can join God in what He has already done and is doing for them now!
In his Foreword to the book, Outreach Teams That Win: GROW, W. A. Criswell says: “Up and down every street in every city are those who are lost, families and friends and neighbors and acquaintances and fellow citizens in the communities where we ourselves are rearing our children and building our families. God Himself knew of our desperate need insomuch that He sent His only begotten Son to teach us the way of life, to die for our sins according to the Scripture, and to go before us in the evangelization of our families, of our communities, of our cities and nation, and of our whole world.”
We recognized long ago that the ministry God was calling us into would force us to leave our comfort zones. For most of us this is new territory, and it can be a little unsettling; however, our confidence is not in ourselves, but rather in God Who has called us! Remember,
“God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).
There is much work to be done, and there is a work for everyone. I am excited about the future and I pray the Lord will bless you and strengthen you as you continue to submit your life to His purpose.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Amir Tsarfati
Several people from New Beginnings made our way to Knoxville last night to attend a special service at Harvest Christian Fellowship where Amir Tsarfati was ministering. There was a pretty full house with people traveling from as far as Florida.
Amir was born and raised in and around Jerusalem, Israel. He became a born again Christian while a teenager after watching the Jesus film.
Amir is a Captain in the Israeli Army Reserve, he was the Vice Governor of Jericho, he is part of the negotiating team with the Palestinians, and, a tour guide in Israel. He also speaks four languages fluently, and is an International speaker on terrorism.
It was exciting to hear this man's perspective on some of the prophecies of the Old Testament relating to Israel and the end times. You can find more information about his ministry at his website, Behold Israel.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Another new beginning for New Beginnings
New Beginnings is preparing for a change in the location of our worship services. Since August '07 we have been meeting at the Sam & Zella Lawson Memorial Chapel on Mawila Ridge Road (pictured below).
Recently we were able to rent a much larger building in Crossville. As of this writing, we are planning to have our first worship service in the new location on the first Sunday in February.
The new location is within a couple blocks of three schools, a recreation park, and several youth "hang outs." I have attached a map to our new location. The address is 495 4th St., near the corner of 4th St. and Miller Ave., and across from Garrison Park.
We are deeply thankful to God for Mr. Willis Lawson who has generously granted us the use of the chapel. He has done more than we could have expected in making us to feel welcome and comfortable. We pray the Lord will continue to bless Willis abundantly for his humility and generous heart!