By Paula Snow
If I tell you that Bible study won’t change your life, would you think I was confused? Well I think that just because you know the Bible doesn't mean the word will bear fruit in your life. I think it is possible to read the Scriptures and study them and miss the point entirely. In John 5:39-40 Jesus talks about this
very thing.
"You search the Scriptures, because you think you will find eternal life in them. The Scriptures tell about me, but you refuse to come to me for eternal life"(John 5:39-40 CEV)
Jesus doesn't condemn us for knowledge of his word, but mourns that we may have missed the point. Even today it’s possible to get so wrapped up in searching the Scriptures that we miss what God is trying to teach us. Bible study alone is not what transforms your life. Jesus transforms your life.
Of course, He does this through His written Word to us. So we must affirm that life change doesn’t happen apart from God’s Word. The reason God’s Word changes our lives is not because of our personal study but because in the Scriptures we are introduced to Jesus, the Author. We invite you to join us Sunday at 10am for Worship Service. We are located at 261 Yvonne Ave. (TAD Center) for more info go to