Friday, July 25, 2008

News From Guatemala

I received the following from David Byrd in Guatemala. Please join me in prayer for the people there.

We have a urgent request for you and for your people to pray. There has been a lot of rain here. In one village, there were 12 whole families lost due to landslides on their homes. People have been told to leave their houses. People are being put up everywhere (either with relatives or friends). We have been told that the rivers will crest tonight at 11:00 (1:00 your time) and will be the equilate to Hurricane Mitch in 1998. The levies in Honduras will break which will bring a mighty wall of water into Guatemala. Please pray that the Lord will keep the river from cresting and pray for God's protection for the people here.

We are hosting a single mom and her three children with us tonight.

Thanks for your prayers.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pray for Revival!

What is revival? According to Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, revival is the act of reviving, or the state of being revived. Specifically: (a) Renewed attention to something... (b) Renewed performance of, or interest in, something... (c) Renewed interest in religion, after indifference and decline; a period of religious awakening.

How do we know when we need revival?
When it is easier to stay at home than to go to church.
When it is easier to work than worship.
When it is easier to be critical than kind.
When it is easier to read magazines than the Bible.
When it is easier to support the club than the church.
When it is easier to grumble than to praise.
When it is easier to hold grudges than to forgive.
When it is easier to condemn souls rather than pray for their salvation.
(from "When Do We Need Revival?")

What are the results of Revival?
Revival brings transformation (Romans 12:2), encouragement (Psalm 51:10), strength (Isaiah 40:31), support (Psalm 103:1-5), and focus (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

Let’s Have A Revival

Let’s have a revival
From the pulpit to the pew
Let’s have a revival
That starts in me and you..
Then it reaches out to a lost and dying world
Let’s bring them in
This is our joy—it’s our survival
Let’s pray for Holy Ghost revival
Let’s have a Revival

Arrangements for Jay Houston

I just learned the arrangements for Jay Houston. The family will receive friends at the Bilbrey Funeral Home tomorrow night (Friday) from 6p.m. to 7p.m. with a funeral service to follow.

Again, please join me in prayer for this family.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Death Announcement

I just returned from the hospital a little while ago, and I am very sad to announce that Jay Houston passed away as a result of the injuries he sustained in an accident earlier today.

I didn’t know Jay personally, but he was my sister-in-law, Brenda’s, uncle. My brothers, Chris and Bill, were both well acquainted with Jay, and they have talked about what a good man he was. Jay has children living in California and Nevada, I believe, and all of them were able to come and visit with him just a few weeks ago.

When death comes so suddenly it only reminds us of how short life really is. In the bible, James spoke of the brevity of life. “For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (James 4:14). How very important it is, then, that we prepare ourselves for that day that will come to all of us.

Please join me in prayer for Jay’s wife, children, and grandchildren, for his extended family, and for all those who knew and loved him.

Saturday and Sunday

The past couple days have been exciting. On Saturday, we served the evening meal and had a service with the people at Bread of Life Rescue Mission. At the end of the service we met a young man, Pete, (that’s not his real name) whom the Lord had delivered of many things. It was awesome to hear him share what the Lord has done for him. Please join me in prayer for “Pete” that the Lord will give him strength to press forward in the name of Jesus.

Yesterday we had a wonderful service at New Beginnings. Our new drummer sounded just awesome in the worship service. I preached, “It’s Time for Revival,” and we had a wonderful time of prayer after the message. Everyone seems so excited about our upcoming revival. Last night we met at Lawson Memorial Chapel to pray and seek the face of the Lord.